- Guessing Game
- Common Programming Concepts
- Understanding Ownership
- Using Structs
- Enums and Pattern Matching
- Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules
- Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy
- Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree
- Bringing Paths into Scope with the use Keyword
- Separating Modules into Different Files
- Common Collections
- Error Handling
- Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes
- Writing Automated Tests
- Object Oriented Programming
- Adding dependancies
- Option Take
- RefCell
- mem
- Data Structure
- Recipe
- Semi colon
- Calling rust from python
- Default
- Crytocurrency With rust
- Function chaining
- Question Mark Operator
- Tests with println
- lib and bin
- Append vector to hash map
- Random Number
- uuid4
- uwrap and option
- Blockchain with Rust
- Near Protocol
- Actix-web

#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Profile {
profile_map: Map<String, ProfileDetails>,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct ProductMap {
product_map: Map<String, Product>,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug)]
pub struct Product {
product_tag: String,
product_details: String, //IPFS Hash
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct ProfileDetails {
profile_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
products: Set<ProductMap>,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Profile {
profile_map: Map<String, ProfileDetails>,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct ProductMap {
product_map: Map<String, Product>,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug)]
pub struct Product {
product_tag: String,
product_details: String, //IPFS Hash
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct ProfileDetails {
profile_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
products: Set<ProductMap>,
Retrieval of products from user
Retrieval of user from products
Update products
New Schema
product id
product name
user id
pub struct Avrit {
// UserId
// ProductId
// ReviewId
// Map(UserId, User)
// Map(UserId, Set(ProductId))
// Map(ProductId, Product)
// Map(UserId, Profile)
// Map(ProductId, Set(ReviewId))
// Map(ReviewId, Review)
// UserId
// ProductId
// ReviewId
// Map(UserId, User)
// Map(UserId, Set(ProductId))
// Map(ProductId, Product)
// Map(UserId, Profile)
// Map(ProductId, Set(ReviewId))
// Map(ReviewId, Review)
use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
use near_sdk::collections::{TreeMap, UnorderedSet};
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen};
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
use uuid::{Builder, Uuid, Variant, Version};
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
pub fn get_uuid(seed_vec: Vec<u8>) -> Uuid {
let mut seed = [0u8; 32];
let mut counter = 0;
for v in seed_vec.iter() {
seed[counter] = *v;
counter += 1;
let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
let mut bytes = [0u8; 16];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
let uuid = Builder::from_bytes(bytes)
return uuid;
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Avrit {
// UserId
// ProductId
// ReviewId
// Map(Username, UserId)
// Map(UserId, User)
// Map(UserId, Set(ProductId))
// Map(ProductId, Product)
// Map(ProductId, Set(ReviewId))
// Map(ReviewId, Review)
user_id: u128,
product_id: u128,
review_id: u128,
user_map: TreeMap<String, u128>, // (username, user_id)
user_profile_map: TreeMap<u128, User>, // (user_id, User)
product_map: TreeMap<u128, Product>, // (product_id, Product)
review_map: TreeMap<u128, Review>, // (review_id, Review)
user_products_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (user_id, set<product_id>)
product_reviews_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (product_id, set<review_id>)
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct User {
profile_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
kyc_done: bool,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Review {
product_id: u128,
user_id: u128,
review_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug)]
pub struct Product {
user_id: u128,
product_tag: String,
product_details_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
impl Avrit {
pub fn create_profile(&mut self, profile_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
let u = User {
kyc_done: false,
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
self.user_profile_map.insert(&user_id, &u);
None => {
self.user_id += 1;
self.user_map.insert(&account_id, &self.user_id);
println!("{:?}: {:?}", account_id, self.user_id);
self.user_profile_map.insert(&self.user_id, &u);
pub fn get_profile_hash(&self) -> String {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let userdata = self.user_profile_map.get(&user_id).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", userdata.profile_hash);
return userdata.profile_hash;
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn create_product(&mut self, product_tag: String, product_details_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let prod = Product {
self.product_id += 1;
self.product_map.insert(&self.product_id, &prod);
let user_products_option = self.user_products_map.get(&user_id);
match user_products_option {
Some(mut product_ids_set) => {
self.user_products_map.insert(&user_id, &product_ids_set);
None => {
let random_vec = env::random_seed();
let id = get_uuid(random_vec).to_string().into_bytes();
let mut product_ids_set = UnorderedSet::new(id);
self.user_products_map.insert(&user_id, &product_ids_set);
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn get_products_of_user(&self) -> Vec<u128> {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let products_set = self.user_products_map.get(&user_id).unwrap();
return products_set.to_vec();
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn create_review(&mut self, product_id: u128, review_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
let _product_exist = self.product_map.get(&product_id).unwrap();
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let rev = Review {
self.review_id += 1;
self.review_map.insert(&self.review_id, &rev);
let product_reviews_option = self.product_reviews_map.get(&product_id);
match product_reviews_option {
Some(mut review_ids_set) => {
.insert(&product_id, &review_ids_set);
None => {
let random_vec = env::random_seed();
let id = get_uuid(random_vec).to_string().into_bytes();
let mut review_ids_set = UnorderedSet::new(id);
.insert(&product_id, &review_ids_set);
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use near_sdk::MockedBlockchain;
use near_sdk::{testing_env, VMContext};
use rand::Rng;
fn rand_vector() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut randvec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut counter = 0;
let result = loop {
counter += 1;
let n1: u8 = rng.gen();
if counter == 32 {
break randvec;
return result;
fn get_context(input: Vec<u8>, is_view: bool) -> VMContext {
VMContext {
current_account_id: "alice_near".to_string(), // The id of the account that owns the current contract
signer_account_id: "bob_near".to_string(),
signer_account_pk: vec![0, 1, 2], // The public key of the account that did the signing.
predecessor_account_id: "carol_near".to_string(), // The id of the account that was the previous contract in the chain of cross-contract calls. If this is the first contract, it is equal to signer_account_id.
block_index: 0,
block_timestamp: 0,
account_balance: 0,
account_locked_balance: 0,
storage_usage: 0,
attached_deposit: 0,
prepaid_gas: 10u64.pow(18),
random_seed: rand_vector(),
epoch_height: 0,
output_data_receivers: vec![],
fn profile() {
let context = get_context(vec![], false);
let mut contract = Avrit::default();
let hash_string = "QmZeV32S2VoyUnqJsRRCh75F1fP2AeomVq2Ury2fTt9V4z".to_owned();
let hash_string2 = hash_string.clone();
let profile_hash = contract.get_profile_hash();
assert_eq!(hash_string2, profile_hash);
let profile_hash = contract.get_profile_hash();
let ids = contract.get_products_of_user();
println!("{:?}", ids);
use near_sdk::collections::{TreeMap, UnorderedSet};
use near_sdk::{env, near_bindgen};
use rand::{rngs::StdRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
use uuid::{Builder, Uuid, Variant, Version};
static ALLOC: wee_alloc::WeeAlloc = wee_alloc::WeeAlloc::INIT;
pub fn get_uuid(seed_vec: Vec<u8>) -> Uuid {
let mut seed = [0u8; 32];
let mut counter = 0;
for v in seed_vec.iter() {
seed[counter] = *v;
counter += 1;
let mut rng: StdRng = SeedableRng::from_seed(seed);
let mut bytes = [0u8; 16];
rng.fill_bytes(&mut bytes);
let uuid = Builder::from_bytes(bytes)
return uuid;
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Avrit {
// UserId
// ProductId
// ReviewId
// Map(Username, UserId)
// Map(UserId, User)
// Map(UserId, Set(ProductId))
// Map(ProductId, Product)
// Map(ProductId, Set(ReviewId))
// Map(ReviewId, Review)
user_id: u128,
product_id: u128,
review_id: u128,
user_map: TreeMap<String, u128>, // (username, user_id)
user_profile_map: TreeMap<u128, User>, // (user_id, User)
product_map: TreeMap<u128, Product>, // (product_id, Product)
review_map: TreeMap<u128, Review>, // (review_id, Review)
user_products_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (user_id, set<product_id>)
product_reviews_map: TreeMap<u128, UnorderedSet<u128>>, // (product_id, set<review_id>)
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct User {
profile_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
kyc_done: bool,
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize)]
pub struct Review {
product_id: u128,
user_id: u128,
review_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
#[derive(Default, BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize, Debug)]
pub struct Product {
user_id: u128,
product_tag: String,
product_details_hash: String, //IPFS Hash
impl Avrit {
pub fn create_profile(&mut self, profile_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
let u = User {
kyc_done: false,
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
self.user_profile_map.insert(&user_id, &u);
None => {
self.user_id += 1;
self.user_map.insert(&account_id, &self.user_id);
println!("{:?}: {:?}", account_id, self.user_id);
self.user_profile_map.insert(&self.user_id, &u);
pub fn get_profile_hash(&self) -> String {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let userdata = self.user_profile_map.get(&user_id).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", userdata.profile_hash);
return userdata.profile_hash;
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn create_product(&mut self, product_tag: String, product_details_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let prod = Product {
self.product_id += 1;
self.product_map.insert(&self.product_id, &prod);
let user_products_option = self.user_products_map.get(&user_id);
match user_products_option {
Some(mut product_ids_set) => {
self.user_products_map.insert(&user_id, &product_ids_set);
None => {
let random_vec = env::random_seed();
let id = get_uuid(random_vec).to_string().into_bytes();
let mut product_ids_set = UnorderedSet::new(id);
self.user_products_map.insert(&user_id, &product_ids_set);
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn get_products_of_user(&self) -> Vec<u128> {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let products_set = self.user_products_map.get(&user_id).unwrap();
return products_set.to_vec();
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
pub fn create_review(&mut self, product_id: u128, review_hash: String) {
let account_id = env::signer_account_id();
let account_id_exists_option = self.user_map.get(&account_id);
let _product_exist = self.product_map.get(&product_id).unwrap();
match account_id_exists_option {
Some(user_id) => {
let rev = Review {
self.review_id += 1;
self.review_map.insert(&self.review_id, &rev);
let product_reviews_option = self.product_reviews_map.get(&product_id);
match product_reviews_option {
Some(mut review_ids_set) => {
.insert(&product_id, &review_ids_set);
None => {
let random_vec = env::random_seed();
let id = get_uuid(random_vec).to_string().into_bytes();
let mut review_ids_set = UnorderedSet::new(id);
.insert(&product_id, &review_ids_set);
None => {
panic!("User profile does not exists");
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use near_sdk::MockedBlockchain;
use near_sdk::{testing_env, VMContext};
use rand::Rng;
fn rand_vector() -> Vec<u8> {
let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
let mut randvec: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut counter = 0;
let result = loop {
counter += 1;
let n1: u8 = rng.gen();
if counter == 32 {
break randvec;
return result;
fn get_context(input: Vec<u8>, is_view: bool) -> VMContext {
VMContext {
current_account_id: "alice_near".to_string(), // The id of the account that owns the current contract
signer_account_id: "bob_near".to_string(),
signer_account_pk: vec![0, 1, 2], // The public key of the account that did the signing.
predecessor_account_id: "carol_near".to_string(), // The id of the account that was the previous contract in the chain of cross-contract calls. If this is the first contract, it is equal to signer_account_id.
block_index: 0,
block_timestamp: 0,
account_balance: 0,
account_locked_balance: 0,
storage_usage: 0,
attached_deposit: 0,
prepaid_gas: 10u64.pow(18),
random_seed: rand_vector(),
epoch_height: 0,
output_data_receivers: vec![],
fn profile() {
let context = get_context(vec![], false);
let mut contract = Avrit::default();
let hash_string = "QmZeV32S2VoyUnqJsRRCh75F1fP2AeomVq2Ury2fTt9V4z".to_owned();
let hash_string2 = hash_string.clone();
let profile_hash = contract.get_profile_hash();
assert_eq!(hash_string2, profile_hash);
let profile_hash = contract.get_profile_hash();
let ids = contract.get_products_of_user();
println!("{:?}", ids);