

  1. Guessing Game
  2. Common Programming Concepts
    1. Variables and Mutability
    2. Data Types
    3. Function
    4. Control Flow
  3. Understanding Ownership
    1. References and Borrowing
    2. The Slice Type
  4. Using Structs
    1. An Example Program Using Structs
    2. Method Syntax
  5. Enums and Pattern Matching
    1. The match Control Flow Operator
    2. Concise Control Flow with if let
  6. Managing Growing Projects with Packages, Crates, and Modules
    1. Defining Modules to Control Scope and Privacy
    2. Paths for Referring to an Item in the Module Tree
    3. Bringing Paths into Scope with the use Keyword
    4. Separating Modules into Different Files
  7. Common Collections
    1. Storing UTF-8 Encoded Text with Strings
    2. Storing Keys with Associated Values in Hash Maps
  8. Error Handling
    1. Unrecoverable Errors with panic!
    2. Recoverable Errors with Result
  9. Generic Types, Traits, and Lifetimes
    1. Traits: Defining Shared Behavior
    2. Generics Rust by Example
      1. Functions
      2. Implementation
  10. Writing Automated Tests
  11. Object Oriented Programming
  12. Adding dependancies
  13. Option Take
  14. RefCell
  15. mem
  16. Data Structure
    1. Linked List
    2. Binary search tree
    3. N-ary Sum tree
  17. Recipe
    1. Semi colon
    2. Calling rust from python
    3. Default
    4. Crytocurrency With rust
    5. Function chaining
    6. Question Mark Operator
    7. Tests with println
    8. lib and bin
    9. Append vector to hash map
    10. Random Number
    11. uuid4
    12. uwrap and option
  18. Blockchain with Rust
  19. Near Protocol
    1. Startup code
    2. Couter
    3. Status
    4. Avrit
  20. Actix-web

Linked List

Linked Lists:

To keep track of a bunch of items, there is a simple solution: with each entry in the list, store a pointer to the next entry. If there is no next item, store null/nil/None and so on, and keep a pointer to the first item. This is called a singly linked list, where each item is connected with a single link to the next:


In other words, its a queue (or LIFO—short for Last In First Out) structure.

struct Node {
        value: i32,
        next: Option<Node>

For practical considerations, it needs a way to know where to start and the length of the list. Considering the planned append operation, a reference to the end (tail) would be useful too:

struct TransactionLog {
    head: Option<Node>, 
    tail: Option<Node>,
    pub length: u64

Unfortunately, it


't work

Because the compiler cannot be certain of the data structure's size
fn main() {
    struct Node {
        value: i32,
        next: Option<Node>


Reference types (such as Box, Rc, and so on) are a good fit, since they allocate space on the heap and therefore allow for larger lists. Here's an updated version:

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

struct Node {
    value: i32,
    next: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>,
struct TransactionLog {
    head: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>,
    tail: Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>,
    pub length: u64,
fn main() {}

Differs from Copy in that Copy is implicit and extremely inexpensive, while Clone is always explicit and may or may not be expensive.
This trait can be used with #[derive] if all fields are Clone. The derived implementation of clone calls clone on each field.
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

type SingleLink = Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>; //Another good practice is to alias types, especially if there are a lot of generics in play

struct Node {
    value: i32,
    next: SingleLink,

struct TransactionLog {
    head: SingleLink,
    tail: SingleLink,
    pub length: u64,
fn main() {}

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

type SingleLink = Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>;

struct Node {
    value: String, // 2. Change to string
    next: SingleLink,

struct TransactionLog {
    head: SingleLink,
    tail: SingleLink,
    pub length: u64,

impl Node {
    // 1. A nice and short way of creating a new node
    fn new(value: String) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>> {
        Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node { // 3.Returns reference of node (Rc<RefCell<Node>>) with value = value, and next = None
            value: value,
            next: None,

// 4. Implementation of transaction log
impl TransactionLog{
    pub fn new_empty() -> TransactionLog{
        TransactionLog {head: None, tail:None, length: 0}
fn main() {}

Still, there is a lot missing. To recap, the transaction log has two requirements:
• Append entries at the end
• Remove entries from the front

Adding Entries

The transaction log can now be created and hold entries, but there is no way to add anything to the list. Typically, a list has the ability to add elements to either end—as long as there is a pointer to that end. If that was not the case, any operation would become computationally expensive, since every item has to be looked at to find its successor. With a pointer to the end (tail) of the list, this won't be the case for the append operation; however, to access a random index on the list, it would require some time to go through everything.

use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;

type SingleLink = Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>;

struct Node {
    value: String, // 2. Change to string
    next: SingleLink,

struct TransactionLog {
    head: SingleLink,
    tail: SingleLink,
    pub length: u64,

impl Node {
    // 1. A nice and short way of creating a new node
    fn new(value: String) -> Rc<RefCell<Node>> {
        Rc::new(RefCell::new(Node {
            // 3.Returns reference of node (Rc<RefCell<Node>>) with value = value, and next = None
            value: value,
            next: None,

// 4. Implementation of transaction log
impl TransactionLog {
    pub fn new_empty() -> TransactionLog {
        TransactionLog {
            head: None,
            tail: None,
            length: 0,

    // 5. The append operation
    pub fn append(&mut self, value: String) {
        let new = Node::new(value);
        // 6. `fn take` Takes the value out of the option, leaving a None in its place.
        // Here the self is `TransactionLog` and `tail` is a `Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>` (SingleLink)
        // First run, due to `new_empty` call `tail` is `None`
        // Then `head` is set to `Some(new.clone())`
        // Then outside match block `tail` is set to `Some(new)`

        // In the second run, tail has `Option<Rc<RefCell<Node>>>` the old `Some(new)` and its not None
        // It goes to the `Some(old)` block as where `Old` is the value returned, i.e. `Node`
        // Set the Node's `next` to a new Node (Look in the diagram 1 Node-Next is linked to 2 Node)
        match self.tail.take() {
            // 7. Check the borrow_mut() example
            Some(old) => {
                old.borrow_mut().next = Some(new.clone());
                println!("In Some");
            None => {
                self.head = Some(new.clone());
                println!("In None")
        self.length += 1;
        self.tail = Some(new);

fn main() {
    let mut tns = TransactionLog::new_empty();
    tns.append("First".to_owned()); // In None
    tns.append("Second".to_owned()); // In Some