

  1. Lesson 1: CryptoZombies
    1. Chapter 2 Contracts
    2. Chapter 3: State Variables & Integers
    3. Chapter 4: Math Operations
    4. Chapter 5: Structs
    5. Chapter 6: Arrays
    6. Chapter 7: Function Declarations
    7. Chapter 8: Working With Structs and Arrays
    8. Chapter 9: Private / Public Functions
    9. Chapter 10: More on Functions
    10. Chapter 11: Keccak256 and Typecasting
    11. Chapter 12: Putting It Together
    12. Chapter 13: Events
    13. Chapter 14: Web3.js
  2. Lesson 2: Zombies Attack Their Victims
    1. Chapter 2: Mappings and Addresses
    2. Chapter 3: Msg.sender
    3. Chapter 4: Require
    4. Chapter 5: Inheritance
    5. Chapter 6: Import
    6. Chapter 7: Storage vs Memory
    7. Chapter 8: Zombie DNA
    8. Chapter 9: More on Function Visibility
    9. Chapter 10: What Do Zombies Eat?
    10. Chapter 11: Using an Interface
    11. Chapter 12: Handling Multiple Return Values
    12. Chapter 13: Bonus: Kitty Genes
    13. Chapter 14: Wrapping It Up
  3. Lesson 3: Advanced Solidity Concepts
    1. Chapter 2: Ownable Contracts
    2. Chapter 3: onlyOwner Function Modifier
    3. Chapter 4: Gas
    4. Chapter 5: Time Units
    5. Chapter 6: Zombie Cooldowns
    6. Chapter 7: Public Functions & Security
    7. Chapter 8: More on Function Modifiers
    8. Chapter 9: Zombie Modifiers
    9. Chapter 10: Saving Gas With 'View' Functions
    10. Chapter 11: Storage is Expensive
    11. Chapter 12: For Loops
    12. Chapter 13: Wrapping It Up
  4. Lesson 4: Zombie Battle System
    1. Chapter 1: Payable
    2. Chapter 2: Withdraws
    3. Chapter 3: Zombie Battles
    4. Chapter 4: Random Numbers
    5. Chapter 5: Zombie Fightin'
    6. Chapter 6: Refactoring Common Logic
    7. Chapter 7: More Refactoring
    8. Chapter 8: Back to Attack!
    9. Chapter 9: Zombie Wins and Losses
    10. Chapter 10: Zombie Victory 😄
    11. Chapter 11: Zombie Loss 😞
  5. Lesson 5: ERC721 & Crypto-Collectibles
    1. Chapter 1: Tokens on Ethereum
    2. Chapter 2: ERC721 Standard, Multiple Inheritance
    3. Chapter 3: balanceOf & ownerOf
    4. Chapter 4: Refactoring
    5. Chapter 5: ERC721: Transfer Logic
    6. Chapter 6: ERC721: Transfer Cont'd
    7. Chapter 7: ERC721: Approve
    8. Chapter 8: ERC721: Approve
    9. Chapter 9: Preventing Overflows
    10. Chapter 10: SafeMath Part 2
    11. Chapter 11: SafeMath Part 3
    12. Chapter 12: SafeMath Part 4
    13. Chapter 13: Comments
    14. Chapter 14: Wrapping It Up
  6. App Front-ends & Web3.js
    1. Chapter 1: Intro to Web3.js
    2. Chapter 2: Web3 Providers
    3. Chapter 3: Talking to Contracts
    4. Chapter 4: Calling Contract Functions
    5. Chapter 5: Metamask & Accounts
    6. Chapter 6: Displaying our Zombie Army
    7. Chapter 7: Sending Transactions
    8. Chapter 8: Calling Payable Functions
    9. Chapter 9: Subscribing to Events
    10. Chapter 10: Wrapping It Up

Chapter 4: Calling Contract Functions

Chapter 4: Calling Contract Functions

Our contract is all set up! Now we can use Web3.js to talk to it.
Web3.js has two methods we will use to call functions on our contract: call and send.


call is used for view and pure functions. It only runs on the local node, and won't create a transaction on the blockchain.
Review: view and pure functions are read-only and don't change state on the blockchain. They also don't cost any gas, and the user won't be prompted to sign a transaction with MetaMask.
Using Web3.js, you would call a function named myMethod with the parameter 123 as follows:


send will create a transaction and change data on the blockchain. You'll need to use send for any functions that aren't view or pure.
Note: sending a transaction will require the user to pay gas, and will pop up their Metamask to prompt them to sign a transaction. When we use Metamask as our web3 provider, this all happens automatically when we call send(), and we don't need to do anything special in our code. Pretty cool!
Using Web3.js, you would send a transaction calling a function named myMethod with the parameter 123 as follows:

The syntax is almost identical to call().

Getting Zombie Data

Now let's look at a real example of using call to access data on our contract.
Recall that we made our array of zombies public:
Zombie[] public zombies;

In Solidity, when you declare a variable public, it automatically creates a public "getter" function with the same name. So if you wanted to look up the zombie with id 15, you would call it as if it were a function: zombies(15).
Here's how we would write a JavaScript function in our front-end that would take a zombie id, query our contract for that zombie, and return the result:
Note: All the code examples we're using in this lesson are using version 1.0 of Web3.js, which uses promises instead of callbacks. Many other tutorials you'll see online are using an older version of Web3.js. The syntax changed a lot with version 1.0, so if you're copying code from other tutorials, make sure they're using the same version as you!
function getZombieDetails(id) {
  return cryptoZombies.methods.zombies(id).call()

// Call the function and do something with the result:
.then(function(result) {
  console.log("Zombie 15: " + JSON.stringify(result));

Let's walk through what's happening here.
cryptoZombies.methods.zombies(id).call() will communicate with the Web3 provider node and tell it to return the zombie with index id from Zombie[] public zombies on our contract.
Note that this is asynchronous, like an API call to an external server. So Web3 returns a promise here. (If you're not familiar with JavaScript promises... Time to do some additional homework before continuing!)
Once the promise resolves (which means we got an answer back from the web3 provider), our example code continues with the then statement, which logs result to the console.
result will be a javascript object that looks like this:
  "lossCount""0" // Obviously.

We could then have some front-end logic to parse this object and display it in a meaningful way on the front-end.

Put it to the Test

We've gone ahead and copied getZombieDetails into the code for you.
1. Let's create a similar function for zombieToOwner. If you recall from ZombieFactory.sol, we had a mapping that looked like:
mapping (uint => address) public zombieToOwner;

Define a JavaScript function called zombieToOwner. Similar to getZombieDetails above, it will take an id as a parameter, and will return a Web3.js call to zombieToOwner on our contract.

2. Below that, create a third function for getZombiesByOwner. If you recall from ZombieHelper.sol, the function definition looked like this:
function getZombiesByOwner(address _owner)

Our function getZombiesByOwner will take owner as a parameter, and return a Web3.js call to getZombiesByOwner.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <title>CryptoZombies front-end</title>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="web3.min.js"></script>
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="cryptozombies_abi.js"></script>

      var cryptoZombies;

      function startApp() {
        var cryptoZombiesAddress = "YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS";
        cryptoZombies = new web3js.eth.Contract(cryptoZombiesABI, cryptoZombiesAddress);

      function getZombieDetails(id) {
        return cryptoZombies.methods.zombies(id).call()

      // 1. Define `zombieToOwner` here
      function zombieToOwner(id) {
        return cryptoZombies.methods.zombieToOwner(id).call()

      // 2. Define `getZombiesByOwner` here
      function getZombiesByOwner(owner) {
        return cryptoZombies.methods.getZombiesByOwner(owner).call()

      window.addEventListener('load'function() {

        // Checking if Web3 has been injected by the browser (Mist/MetaMask)
        if (typeof web3 !== 'undefined') {
          // Use Mist/MetaMask's provider
          web3js = new Web3(web3.currentProvider);
        } else {
          // Handle the case where the user doesn't have Metamask installed
          // Probably show them a message prompting them to install Metamask

        // Now you can start your app & access web3 freely:
