pragma solidity >=0.4.22 <0.7.0;
contract Election {
// Model a candidate
struct Candidate {
uint id;
string name;
uint voteCount;
// Storing accounts that have voted
mapping(address => bool) public voters;
// Store candidate
// Fetch Candidate
mapping(uint => Candidate) public candidates;
// Store candidate count
uint public candidatesCount;
constructor () public {
addCandidate("Candidate 1");
addCandidate("Candidate 2");
function addCandidate(string memory _name) private {
candidatesCount ++;
candidates[candidatesCount] = Candidate(candidatesCount, _name, 0);
function vote(uint _candidateId) public {
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
contract Election {
// Model a candidate
struct Candidate {
uint id;
string name;
uint voteCount;
// Storing accounts that have voted
mapping(address => bool) public voters;
// Store candidate
// Fetch Candidate
mapping(uint => Candidate) public candidates;
// Store candidate count
uint public candidatesCount;
constructor () public {
addCandidate("Candidate 1");
addCandidate("Candidate 2");
function addCandidate(string memory _name) private {
candidatesCount ++;
candidates[candidatesCount] = Candidate(candidatesCount, _name, 0);
function vote(uint _candidateId) public {
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
function vote(uint _candidateId) public {
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
Keeping track that account has voted. When we call a function, solidity allows to pass in metadata to the function, allows us to pass more arguments that you have defined.
Solidity will give the account as
This mapping will take an account (address) and give a bool value.
// Storing accounts that have voted
mapping(address => bool) public voters;
mapping(address => bool) public voters;
Setting the value is done here.
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
voters[msg.sender] = true;
truffle migrate --reset
truffle console
Election.deployed().then(function(i) { app = i} )
var accounts;
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, res) { accounts = res;});
web3.eth.getAccounts(function(err, res) { accounts = res;});

from is the metadata, this will denote the account, that we are sending to the function., {from: accounts[0]})
form data translates into msg.sender
The remind the function is:
function vote(uint _candidateId) public {
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
// record that voter has voted
voters[msg.sender] = true;
// update candidate vote Count
candidates[_candidateId].voteCount ++;
This is a transaction receipt.

it("allows a voter to cast a vote", function(){
return Election.deployed().then(function(instance) {
electionInstance = instance;
candidateId = 1;
return, { from: accounts[0]});
// Return value is a transaction receipt that you show in the console
// We will not do anything with the receipt
}).then(function(receipt) {
// Read the voters mapping
// mapping(address => bool) public voters;
return electionInstance.voters(accounts[0]);
// Returns a boolean
assert(voted, "the voter was marked as voted");
// Read the candidates mapping
// mapping(uint => Candidate) public candidates;
return electionInstance.candidates(candidateId);
// It takes the candidateId(uint) and returns a candidate of the id stored in struct Candidate
//Receive the a candidate
//candidate[0] is id (unit)
//candidate[1] is name of candidate (Candidate 1)
//candidate[2] is voteCount
var voteCount = candidate[2];
assert.equal(voteCount, 1, "increments the candidate's vote count");
return Election.deployed().then(function(instance) {
electionInstance = instance;
candidateId = 1;
return, { from: accounts[0]});
// Return value is a transaction receipt that you show in the console
// We will not do anything with the receipt
}).then(function(receipt) {
// Read the voters mapping
// mapping(address => bool) public voters;
return electionInstance.voters(accounts[0]);
// Returns a boolean
assert(voted, "the voter was marked as voted");
// Read the candidates mapping
// mapping(uint => Candidate) public candidates;
return electionInstance.candidates(candidateId);
// It takes the candidateId(uint) and returns a candidate of the id stored in struct Candidate
//Receive the a candidate
//candidate[0] is id (unit)
//candidate[1] is name of candidate (Candidate 1)
//candidate[2] is voteCount
var voteCount = candidate[2];
assert.equal(voteCount, 1, "increments the candidate's vote count");